Yaadein-11..Rejuvenating the memories

So much is happening…so much to express..words are falling short…that i am unable to express…

8th April, 2011 – The day we are giving a send-off party to our dear seniors…
Venue: Amriteshwari Hall, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

The day as usual began..so much to do..in so little time..we packed our bags and rushed to college as the sun began to raise its head over the silent sea…The moment i stepped into the college, my eyes turned towards the entrance of the hall…within hours we shall be the hosts of the party in that very hall…A mixture of anxiety and excitement filled through me…

My work for the day started off with distribution of the remaining invitation cards. My classmates were at the peak of enthusiasm…all walking around, up and down.No time to waste…the tiny class room was overcrowded with people and items..no place to walk..huh!!!

Decoration on one side, dance on the other, and a camera clicks flashing all through the room capturing those untold moments…i move on to attend a call of a friend..that a scream comes from the other end…”aichu….evada vaa…”

It was not only me…but the whole class was in a hush-bush..reminding of Chembur market during the wee houres of a Sunday evening… 😉

Tick tick tick…10am..4 hours to go..we went to fetch the key of the auditorium…as we entered the auditorium…pulses of excitement vibrated through me…i tried to control…par kya karu??? 😉
I do not know what all stuffs were going on…we were just moving all around the auditorium doing this and that, i still cannot pictuarise what I was doing…activities changed as the second hand of a clock…

Finally it was 2..!!Crowd started to pour in…those young ladies in saree…and the smart boys…
However, the program delayed and began at quarter to three..as the guest, Prof. Kailmal Sir was busy in a meeting…

The program began with lighting of lamp, prayer song followed by speech by Kaimal Sir and Sreeram Sir, a melody song, an interactive game show, 2 dance performances, sharing of memories by the seniors, a video presentation of their life @ Amrita, some b’day celebrations…Formal handing over of the Satbhav Association to a new Chairperson, a song , a monoact, Speech by Praveena Ma’am, the Thanksgiving speech and a moments sharing by a senior. This was of course followed by food and loads of photo sessions…!!!!

Intentionally, I preferred to skip mentioning the hosts of the particular events…Because I would then be doing injustice to those silent volunteers who were not thought physically present on the stage, complimented to the event to a great extent.

I learnt a lot in this experience…

The team spirit that vibrated among us, the dedication, the enthu having no par..the attitude of helping others..the meaning of Human hood I discovered…!!!
I am definitely falling short of words to express what I am feeling now…because some things are better felt by heart than understood by brains…

aishwarya 🙂

2 thoughts on “Yaadein-11..Rejuvenating the memories

  1. hi aishwarya..
    few days back i got a mail …dat one new cmt for a post.. i deleted it…without reading..jst now i logged into after…dnt knw..aftr hw may mnths….

    nice post…. thumbs up…..we njoyed d day.. thanks 4 giving a nice farewell…
    i saw your team spirit.. keep it up… do well….best wishes…



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